Category definition
Categories describe the general subject area (for example "economy" or "news"). Please choose a category first before selecting a special agent. The categories are labeled by coloured boxes.
The category is the first criteria you have to choose when beginning a search. Each category has its subordinated agents. Agents are specialized searching engines, each of which is responsible for a special subject within the superior category. Each agent refers to special sources according to its subject. The agent is your second criteria to chose.
You will find categories and agents in the left-hand agent panel. The categories are marked by small coloured boxes. As soon as you have chosen one category, its agents appear underneath in the agent panel. After having chosen an agent you can enter your specific keyword in the input field of the keyword line and start the search with ENTER or the start symbol.
You can find further information under:
BINGOOO systematics
Agent definition
Searching criteria in BINGOOO
Agent panel